
Welcome to NoRaRe, the cross-linguistic database of Norms, Ratings, and Relations of Words and Concepts.

This web application serves as a light-weight interface to quickly browse the Database of Cross-Linguistic Norms, Ratings, and Relations for Words and Concepts (NoRaRe). The database can be understood as an expansion of the Concepticon project which links concept lists used in the literature in historical linguistics, linguistics typology, and psycholinguistics to unique concept sets. While Concepticon links concept lists to concept sets, NoRaRe adds information on specific concept and word properties as they are provided in different datasets that have been published along with studies in linguistics and psychology.


The NoRaRe database is the result of continuous efforts. The establishment of NoRaRe would not have been possible without the generous support of various funding agencies. The table below shows who has benefited, during which periods, from which funding agency.

Period Grant Name Grant Type Funding Agency Grant Number Beneficiaries
2019-2023 International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Fellowship Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena AT
2017-2022 Computer-Assisted Language Comparison ERC Starting Grant European Research Council 206320 JML